@ARTICLE{Kostyrko_Tomasz_Roman_2022, author={Kostyrko, Tomasz and Thomas, Marek}, number={No 2}, journal={Nauka}, pages={167-176}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Biuro Upowszechniania i Promocji Nauki PAN}, abstract={Roman Micnas was a distinguished Polish physicist, well known for his works in the field of condensed matter theory and statistical physics. One of his best known achievements is development of theory of superconductivity with local electron pairing. He also published a number of important contributions to the theory of magnetism, theory of phase transitions, and theory of ultracold atoms on optical lattices. His more than 140 publications were cited over 3200 times by other authors. He graduated at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in 1970, where he hold a position until his passing away on 13 January 2022. He received PhD in 1978, habilitation in 1988, and became Professor in 1990. In the Faculty of Physics of AMU he was the head of Solid State Theory Division in years 1998–2018. For his development of theory of superconductivity with local electron pairing he was awarded, together with Stanisław Robaszkiewicz, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scientific Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in 1989. In 1994 he became Corresponding Member of PAS, and in 2016 – Ordinary Member. He served a number of important functions in PAS, among others he was a member of Committee for Physics of PAS, and since 2015 a Dean of Division III of Exact Sciences and Earth Sciences of PAS. He was a member of several scientific societies: Polish Physical Society, European Physical Society, American Physical Society and American Association for Advancement of Science. He co-organized 35 home and international conferences, among others the cycle of the European Conferences „Physics of Magnetism”, which he co-chaired since 1993.}, type={Nekrologi / Nécrologie / Obituary}, title={Roman Micnas (1947–2022)}, URL={http://sp.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123140/PDF-MASTER/N%23222-10-Kostyrko.pdf}, doi={10.24425/nauka.2022.140338}, keywords={theory of superconductivity, solid state theory, theory of magnetism, statistical physics, Adam Mickiewicz University}, }