@ARTICLE{Starkel_Leszek_Problems_2006, author={Starkel, Leszek}, volume={Vol. 23}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={17-21}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={The presented climatostratigraphy of the Holocene on the territory of Poland is based on a range of biotic, sedimentological, geomorphological and isotopic records, but also takes into account fluctuations of temperature and hydrologi- cal regime. The author upholds the traditional division of the Holocene into three thermic phases and discusses in detail distinct fluctuations in the hydrological regime reflected in the alteration of wetter and drier phases. Although their profiles tend to be blurred, the lower boundaries of the wetter phases, which set off the transformation of geoeco- systems (a process reflected in the first clusters of extreme events), may be used to identify regional stratigraphic subdivisions. The superimposed phases of human activity have much smaller spatial extent.}, type={Article}, title={Problems of Holocene climatostratigraphy on the territory of Poland}, URL={http://sp.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/119392/PDF-MASTER/str_17_21.pdf}, keywords={Holocene, climatostratigraphy, wetter and drier phases}, }