@ARTICLE{Alexandrowicz_Witold_Paweł_Malacostratigraphy_2009, author={Alexandrowicz, Witold Paweł}, volume={Vol. 26}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={55-63}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={Assemblages of molluscs have been used for stratigraphy of Late Glacial and Holocene deposits in Poland. Changes of the climate as well as migration of species are main factors which control the recompositions of molluscan communities in this time. Thirteen malacostratigraphical zones have been definied. Eight of them corresponds with land environments, while the remaining ones (five) with water habitats. The succesions of these zones gives the malacostratigraphical subdivisions, which can be compared with similar schemes proposed in some other countries of Central Europe. They supplement palynostratigraphical zones or even can be used as main way of stratigraphical intrepretations.}, type={Article}, title={Malacostratigraphy of Late Glacial and Holocene in Poland}, URL={http://sp.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/118420/PDF-MASTER/s_55_63zmn.pdf}, keywords={molluscs, malacostratigraphy, Vistulian, Holocene, Poland}, }