@ARTICLE{Lejzerowicz_Anna_Application_2018, author={Lejzerowicz, Anna and Wysocka, Anna and Kowalczyk, Sebastian}, volume={Vol. 35}, number={Iss. 2}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={103-119}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={GPR method is perfectly suited for recognizing of sedimentary facies diversity in shallowly occurring sediments if there is a contrast of electrical properties between and/or within each layer. The article deals with the issue of the correlation between GPR surveys results and sedimentological analyses. As a result of this correlation a conceptual model of depositional systems of studied areas was developed. Studies were performed in two areas located in central Poland, where glacial deposits formed in the Middle Polish (Saalian) Glaciation are present. The study was based on 49 sediment samples and 21 GPR profiles. Analyses of lithofacies as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition of deposits of collected samples were carried out, showing the diversity of glacial deposits in both study sites. During GPR measurements shielded antenna with a frequency of 500 MHz was used which allowed high-resolution mapping of the internal structure of deposits and to identify four characteristic radar facies. Correlation of GPR profiles with point, one-dimensional sedimentological studies allowed the unambiguous interpretation of the GPR image and draw conclusions about the formation environment of individual units. Geophysical and sedimentological data obtained during study provide a new and detailed insight into selected glacial deposits in central Poland.}, type={Article}, title={Application of ground penetrating radar method combined with sedimentological analyses in studies of glaciogenic sediments in central Poland}, URL={http://sp.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109992/PDF-MASTER/3_Lejzerowicz.pdf}, keywords={ground penetrating radar, radar facies, glaciogenic deposits, sedimentological studies, central Poland}, }